Group Name

What is
Group Name?

Group Name- is a Social Media marketing campaign targeting local audience.

The campaign leverages the power of these three sources of traffic:

1. Paid Facebook advertisement see more...

Paid-for FB ads are effective yet expensive. We offer an elegant solution - pooled resources. Because we are promoting a list of local business, using a combined budget, we can get more exposure to the local audience. This translates to the lowest cost for each participating business.
2. Our commission-based members are sharing post as individuals see more...

We ( as a platform) are constantly growing the pool of dedicated members who are eagerly sharing and promoting our campaigns.
This alone will guarantee "eyeballs" to your ads.
3. Participating businesses are sharing posts on their business Facebook pages see more...

Every participating business receives their own custom link to be shared on their business Facebook page. The link, on one hand, highlights their business offer, but also lists links to other local ads which increases everyone's exposure in the given location.

Promote your business on Facebook for the fraction of the cost!

This group is by invitation only

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